Culture and Arts Programme

Build a More Diverse Audience


The CAP seeks to build a broader and more diverse audience of Palestinian culture both locally and internationally, through programmes supported by the AMQF. In this context, the CAP continued to support a number of significant art festivals, which were of good quality, maintained large-scale public participation and covered various areas in Palestine. The Programme supported nine international and local festivals of various arts, including contemporary dance, music, theatre, cinema and folklore. Organised in many Palestinian cities and towns, these festivals attracted dozens of thousands of interested people of different age groups and from across the spectrum. Through its seasonal grants, the CAP also supported 29 art projects and events in literature, visual arts, performing arts and training in different areas. Additionally, the CAP supported 10 participations of Palestinian individuals or bands in international culture and art events, contributing to creating a wider audience of Palestinian culture abroad. More than 92,570 people attended over 307 local events organised with support from the CAP in Jenin, Ramallah, Beit Jala, Bir Zeit, Anabta, Beit Anan, Jerusalem, Haifa, Shafa Amr, Majdal Shams, Galilee, Bethlehem, Hebron, Jericho, Nablus and Gaza. An audience of 24,026 people attended events organised outside Palestine with support from the CAP, including Badke performances, in France, Scotland, United Arab Emirates, Lebanon, Portugal, Germany, Sweden, Switzerland, Lithuania, Tunisia and USA.