Centre for Educational Research & Development

Professional Development Programme


Drama in Education

The programme has completed seven years of cumulative work with selected groups of teachers in three different modules. The 104 graduates of the programme have carried out what they learned of approaches and methods of drama in education at their schools, bringing about shifts in the conceptualisation and perception of the entire educational process and its outputs.



Professional Development for Early Childhood Teachers

The Centre has been working with early childhood teachers for four years, which have culminated this year with a programme for teachers in forty kindergartens in the Jerusalem area. It included training courses, in-class implementation, documentation, experience exchange and partnerships.



Science Education

The Centre has had experiences working with teachers in Jericho, Bethlehem and Jerusalem areas. These experiences led to examine the possibility of establishing a diverse and cumulative programme for science education. The Centre also deepened its knowledge of the present condition of science education in Palestinian schools through practice, observation and research, and how it links to school curricula.


The challenge facing the Centre, however, is in two fold: developing the science education development programme content, and the feasibility of implementing such a programme in schools.



Animation in Education

QCERD involved students and teachers who have previously participated in its “Animation in Education” workshops in training their peers in other schools as part of a programme that ran throughout the academic year. This programme focused on the following: (a) the ability to maintain the approach consisting of schools working together in light of the limited human and financial resources; (b) achieving balance between the technical and the content aspects of the programme; (c) deepening recognition of creative human experiences.


Project-Based Learning

The Centre succeeded in engaging groups of students and their teachers in community educational projects that go beyond the school walls. Students worked with their teachers on special projects related to their local context and life experiences. This kind of education presents an inspiring model as it seeks to draw connection between the learning process and real life.



Cinema in Education

The Cinema in Education project was launched with a healthy number of participating schools and teachers.



Visiting Professors

An MoU with Birzeit University was signed to host renowned professors and experts in education and related fields from around the world.



The Integrative Learning Course

A preliminary agreement with the Ministry of Education was made to implement this course next year with a group of teachers and educational supervisors.